Your chosen package

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  • €179/month
  • €239/month
  • €599/month

Extra options

  • 82 /month
  • 95 /month

Expected monthly fee:
This amount does not include the one-off start-up fee
  1. Your details

  • Edwin van de Meijde
  • Owner

"Our cooperation has been pleasant for years now. We feel that is genuinely interested in what you have to say and their products are continuously being developed accordingly."

  • Suite Hotel Pincoffs
  • Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • Abbe Plijnaar
  • Director

"As of September 2015, when we started working with the products of, the bookings via our own website have increased with 300% and 50% of our reservations are directly paid online!"

  • Star Lodge Hotels
  • Utrecht, The Netherlands
  • Jan Akkermans
  • Owner

"We chose from the moment we opened our first hotel, because of the total package, the customer-friendly and decisive approach and, above all, because of their thinking along with us. I am very happy with this cooperation."